Anywho...on to the title of this blog.

As I have written before, Eric from East Texas and I have known each other forever. We talked a few times right around my 30th birthday. A year passed. I text messaged him on his birthday in March and he started texting me again. It made me wicked uncomfortable. I couldn't exactly put my finger on it at first, but over the course of the next few days the texts turned from how are you, to when can I see you. I stopped answering them, being the non confrontational kind of girl I am (haha). Then I told him that it was making me a little uncomfortable considering he was married and saying that he wanted to hang out with me without his wife. They were having trouble and even if he still had feelings for me, he would never act on them.
Can I get a what what?
He mentioned that he still had the letter that I wrote him (when I was 15 or so), and he would never cheat on his wife. I sat, stunned into silence, which we know is rare and replied to the text that I definitely never wanted to be in any situation where my character or his would even remotely be compromised or questioned. My friends agreed that it was also weird and to stay away.
Flash forward to last night when I received a lovely facebook message from his wife blaming me for ruining a 14 year relationship/ 11 year marriage. Apparently it's all my fault. I have single handedly broken the hearts of their 11 and 9 year olds. She's devastated.
She also writes messages like a drunk 10 year old.
But that's just me being catty. Meow.
I emailed her back, basically gave her the down low of what when down between the two of us to which she responded that it's all on me. Apparently I'm the cause of it. There was really no reason to it, but it's my fault.
Here's my thought on the whole thing.
1. That man called me. We talked. Nothing happened.
2. That man suggested that he venture to my home, sans wife. I disagreed and stopped talking to him.
3. I texted man to say happy birthday. Was it the right thing to do, probably not, but I did it out of friendship, not malicious spite.
4. When man suggested that he visit again, that his marriage was based on wife getting pregnant and was going down the toliet, I told him no.
5. I even took the blame saying that it was me that was uncomfortable and he got pissed.
Apparently I'm a homewrecker.
I know that this isn't on me.
I know all I can do is pray for them.
And for me.
I love theatre, but I hate drama.
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