I've known this was going to happen for the last month or so, but as is the story of my life, I've procrastinated comprehension until this point.
I've never let the country.
Next Saturday I'll start my day in North America, and end it in Asia...Dubai, UAE in the Middle East. The next morning I'll be in Africa. Holy Crap. Texas on Saturday and two continents later over the next 36 hours. And I've never been to Mexico. Kind of put things into perspective about how big and small the world really is.
I'm petrified. Really, I am. I haven't flown in five years, the last time I ended up in handcuffs, and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get frisked every time we stop.
I'm afraid of how emotional this is going to be. I get choked up at Hallmark commercial, episodes of Oprah and downright blubbery at Extreme Home Makeover. And we are bringing a kid back. What if she doesn't like me? What if this is devastating to her, which it will be? How is this going to effect Dawn, Tony and the girls? Not to mention my parents who are beyond freaked out?
We are changing her life in an immeasurable way, and I know she'll change ours too.
I'm afraid of those things too.
I don't know if I'm ready for the changes that I feel that God's about to throw out at me. I've always said I need some in your face direction from God, but I'm really about to get it, and it makes me nauseated. Like first date nauseated. And if you know me, you know what that means.
I'm hoping to blog about the trip while the trip is actually happening, but I can't make any sort of promises. It would be awesome to have access to the internet while I'm away from the US of A, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
So, it's 10:15 on Monday night here, which means it's 7:15 Tuesday morning in Dubai, and 6:15 in Ethiopia. I get exhausted the first week of Daylight savings time, so this time change should be fun. :o)