Back to the urologist and my primary care physician next week. I'm going to chalk this up to age, take a vicodin and move on.
When I woke up I had a dose of phenegran and some other anti-nausea med. Then my back spasmed--in the same place that all of this started three weeks ago--and it took 1 dose of liquid vicodin and three shots of morphine to make it stop. It's done it three other times since Friday. Any suggestions?
I'm just going to go to my doctor's office and refuse to leave until he tells me what is wrong, or tells me that I'm crazy and it's all in my head....which at this point would at least be a reason.
And that picture is of the procedure that was done on Friday. I was knocked out, but no wonder my back hurts...those stirrups are high! I don't know how you mommas did that!!