I've been reading a blog for awhile that a woman named Angela about the loss of her daughter Audrey Caroline. You should check it out if you get the chance http://www.audreycaroline.blogspot.com/
She wrote recently about meeting another woman in a very similar position and it happens to be a person that Erin and I went to college with. In this post she talks about the line from the song "Blessed be the name of the Lord" when it says He gives and takes away. That's all I can think about today.
Erin's mom Cheryl, who is a super sweet super cool surrogate mom to me and all of Erin's friends, lost her husband of a little over a year today. We don't know why. The doctors have been struggling the past few weeks to get a handle on whatever was making him sick, and this morning his body just couldn't take it anymore. He went into cardiac arrest and the doctors at Memorial Hermann just couldn't bring him back.
I really can't imagine what their family is going through today. Barney's former wife died of cancer about 3.5 years ago. He had three daughters, the youngest of which will graduate high school in about 3 weeks. Both of her parents are gone.
I'm struggling with not being mad with God's plan. I know he doesn't mind. He is the protector and creator and always has a design in mind for our lives. I know his plans for us are to protect us and not to harm us...but really. What is this all for. Cheryl's life was falling into a beautiful place. Those kids of his have already dealt with so much.
He gives and takes away.
Strangely enough it gives me comfort to know that. As I pray for Erin and Cheryl as well as Barney's family I pray especially for his daughters that they may be blessed by Cheryl's presence in their lives. I know she will love them and help raise them now that their father is no longer here. I can't imagine the girls not having Cheryl in their lives after loosing both their mom and their dad.
Erin...thank you for letting me be part of your crazy family. Barney was such an amazing guy who always had a smile on his face and a special love for your mom. It goes without saying that he will be missed. My prayers are with all of you now and always.