Saturday, April 19, 2008


Posted some new pictures on my picture blog!

Here's one that I didn't post..but is really cute!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dear John Mayer,

My Dearest John,

I've decided to write an open letter to you this morning for two reasons. I need to gripe a litte and air my grivances toward you, and then end on the effervescent note of my unwaivering affection for you.

First the bad news. As lovely as you are, you date the same type of girls. Glamorous (suddenly I hear Fergie), semi to very famous, perfect looking girls. How's that working out for you big boy? What you need is plain. Simple, not as attractive as Jennifer, Jessica or Minka. Homely almost. You apparently have this thing for Texans or those who play Texans on TV. How 'bout a real Texas girl. One who has actually lived here. One who went to college here and works here. What is it about guys who date the same type of girls over and over, or better yet the same girl over and over again. Hmmm think things will change? Optimistic...or just plain stupid. You need a smart girl. Around 30. Sort of curvy. Makes a killer rum cake perhaps.
Secondly. I do adore you. Not because of your fame, but in spite of it. I'm pretty sure had you not gone to Berklee and gotten so famous or had you been from my general area of Texas, we would have hung out. I have this thing for dark headed boys that can carry a tune. Started in junior high with Justin Orlando...and just went south from there. Your writing is amazing, your talent on guitar transcendant. You will surely go down as our generation's Hendrix or Vaughn. Don't be modest my are that good. But, it's your knowledge of yourself that appeals to me the most. You seem as though your heart and head are on the same page, sometimes the page of music, and I envy that. I can't seem to get my ducks in a row sometimes.
So...I'm just saying...The Woodlands is a nice area. You would be close to to IAH and could hop planes to wherever. I would keep working. I don't want your money...well maybe a little to pay off my loan.
Take a chance on a real woman, John. Follow your own advice and
Searching all my days just to find you
I'm not sure who I'm looking for
I'll know itWhen I see you
Until then, I'll hide in my bedroom
Staying up all night just to write
A love song for no one
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
Love you bunches,
Your future girlfriend,

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Seriously. WTF.

First, I got hired for a summer position with the district that pays three grand for about 7 weeks fo work. I will be on my own schedule in June and done by the 3rd of July. Awesome. My principal also asked me to write and compile curriculm for a new class for next year and is paying me. I have all summer. Not too bad either. Another grand. This is not the WTF.

I guess I had one of those days today. You know what I'm talking about. The kind of days where you question what's wrong with you and the answer is nothing at all. I think it's the whole turning thirty thing. Yep, lets blame it on that. Again, I'm not unhappy. I'm just wishing that certain aspects of my life were a little different. I feel like that's all I talk about and think about, but I don't really have control over that. Maybe it's that lack of control that drives me bonkers. I'm pretty type A about other aspects of my life, so it doesn't shock me that I feel that way.

I have a headache because I came home and slept for three hours, and now I can't sleep. Things are running through my head about two hundred miles an hour. I feel as though I can't get out what I use to. I feel like what's going on with me is pretty trivial and I shouldn't be gripey about it. My life's good. Why complain. My friends have so many other good or bad things going on that I feel like if I call them to talk that would be bothersome. Trust me, I know that it wouldn't because I have great friends, it's just how I feel right now.

Open anonymously addressed thoughts to people I know: be careful and think it through, talk to your wife more, he's a jerk for breaking up with you like that, value yourself more, don't bitch about your life, visit your parents, if you date the same person again and again do you think things will be different, be happy about what God gives you--not unhappy about what he doesn't.

Hell, I don't know. I'm rambling. I'm not mad or sad or really even all that confused. I think that work has been bad for the last two weeks and will be busy from here on out, turning 30 has been a little bittersweet...but all my flirty thirty friends say that it is fabulous, and I just got two jobs for the summer and it's all hitting me at once.

I wish I had some ice cream.
Or some girl scout cookies.

Thanks for making it through this rant.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The New Box

That's right ladies and gentlemen...I am in a new box. Thirty came and went without a hitch...although Sunday (the big day itself) I was a little emotional. I didn't cry or anything, but I did feel a little weepy that morning for some reason.
Friday, Claudia and Elizabeth drove down. We ate in The Woodlands for lunch, I drove them by where I work, they ooohhhed and ahhhed, then we headed to my sisters. It rained the whole time. Sort of sucked to drive in. We ate dinner at La Brisa, which was super yummy then headed back to Dawn's where we did cake, ice cream and presents. Claudia and Elizabeth went in together and bought me a BEAUTIFUL (but I wish they wouldn't have spent so much money) silver necklace and Perritti heart pendant from Tiffany's. That's right. Little blue box. It's beautiful. My sister also bought me a necklace and the Primavera Cross from James Avery. Sooo pretty. They are too nice!
Saturday, Dawn made breakfast and we headed to Kemah. It was really 50 degrees. We shopped a little, took Elizabeth the the airport then Claudia and I went to the outlet mall in Houston that is brand new...bad idea. It was so crowded you couldn't even get in! So we met Erin and Brandy at Sam's boat for some afternoon chips and salsa and hung out. Claudia and I headed back to my apartment and we rested, then got ready to go to dinner that night. We went to Baker Street Pub. It was great. Erin gave me an awesome gift certificate to itunes and I have already used it!! George strait and Taylor swift and some singles!! YEAH!! Brandi gave me a ticket to see the Putnam County spelling Bee which was showing in Houston. It was amazing. After dinner we headed to treat. Well...Wes (our favorite Barista) actually comped us the drinks. It pays to have friends in high places!
Sunday morning Claudia headed out early and I ate breakfast with mom and dad. They gave me an awesome gift certificate to Kohl's which I have already used part of. Sunday night I went to the play with Brandy. If you ever get a chance to see!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What the Deuce?

If you know me really well, you know I love Family Guy. My favorite expression is Stewie's signature line, "What the Deuce." Apparently I use it so much that my nieces have picked it up, much to my sister and bro-in-law's chagrin. I think it's funny.

Anywho...I had a true, "What the Deuce" moment Tuesday night. A major blast from the past if you will. The phone rang at 8:15 or so and it was Eric Powell. Who is Eric, you might ask. Eric is my mom's best friend's son. I've literally known him since I was born. He just over a year older than me. We spent summers, Christmases and other various parts of our lives together until right before he got married my freshman year of college. First time I watched movie with a boy, first time a guy called me pretty, first time I didn't care that he wasn't the book smart type..Eric. I call his mom aunt and uncle.

So, he got married after getting his then girlfriend pregnant. It's east texas, we do the right thing. Although they live about a mile from my granddad I have managed to not really see him much since the wedding. She totally doesn't like me. It's just weird.

So my mom ran into him a few weeks ago at the grocery store. And he asked mom how I was, she said fine and they chit chatted somemore. He calls me Monday and says he's spent the day tracking me down because he wanted to catch up. We proceed to talk to each other for two hours while he is at work.

It's just weird. I guess because he's married? I don't know. It was really nice to catch up, but also just strange. Made me say, "what the duece"?